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Red River
天は赤い河のほとり / Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori / Anatolia Story, Heaven by the Red River, Orontes Renka, Orontes Love Song, Where the Sky and the Red River meet
Sho-Comi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
3🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Supernatural,Time Travel
Yume no Shizuku Kin no Torikago
夢の雫、黄金【きん】の鳥籠 / Yume no Shizuku Ougon no Torikago, Cage of Golden Drop of Dreams, Bird Cage of Dream Dripping Gold, Drops of Dreams, The Golden Birdcage, Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori: Shokan
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵 / Ane-kei Petit Comic
Darkness of the Sea, Shadow of the Moon
海の闇、月の影 / Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage
Sho-Comi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Romance of Darkness
水に棲む花 / Mizu ni Sumu Hana / Flowers That Live in Water
Betsucomi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
A Swallow Falling into the Sea
海に墜ちるツバメ / Umi ni Ochiru Tsubame
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵 / Petit Comic
Tokidamari no Hime
ときだまりの姫 / Koku Damari no Hime, Kokudamari no Hime, Toki Damari no Hime
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵 / Petit Comic
Toubou Kyuukou
逃亡急行 / Escape Express, Hours Until Death
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Akatsuki ni Tatsu Lion
暁に立つライオン / Lion at Dawn
Betsucomi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Ryouko no Shinrei Jikenbo
陵子の心霊事件簿 / Ryouko no Shinreijikenbo, Ryouko's Case-Book of Spirits
Ciao / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Yami no Purple Eyes
闇のパープル・アイ / Purple Eyes in the Dark, Yami no Paapuru, Yami no Paapuru Ai, Yami no Purple Eye, Yami no Purple Eyes
Sho-Comi / Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Shinohara Chie The Best Selection
篠原千絵 The Best Selection / The Best Selection of Chie Shinohara, Kootta Natsu no Hi, Yasashii Satsujinsha, Houmonsha wa Mayonaka ni, Mokugekisha ni Sayounara, Weekend no Shoutaijou, Nemuru Machi, Jisatsushitsu Room Number 404, When the Bell Rings, Crystal Doll, Fuyu no Hana
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵
Sergei Oukoku no Kage Tsukai
Chie Shinohara / 篠原 千絵 / ChuChu