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Onna Senshi tte Motenai desu ne!
The female Knight became too strong / 女騎士ってモテないんです
Fate/hollow ataraxia - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(?)" + Archerko OMAKE (Doujinshi)
Fate/hollow ataraxia - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE (Doujinshi) / Fate hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/stay night dj - Plus-ko - Shirouko and Archer + Archerko OMAKE / Fate stay night dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/stay night dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - "Shiro-ko" & "Archer(♀)" + Archerko OMAKE / Fate/hollow ataraxia dj - Plus-ko - Shirouko and Archer + Archerko OMAKE
kiseki himura / limit break (circle)
Doujinshi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Shoujo ai
A princess and a knight, and me just watching them.
姫とナイトと、となりの私。 / Hime to Knight to, Tonari no Watashi. / Bokura no Koi no Yamai, Seitokaishitsu, Megane no Uso. - Kare ga Doku wo Haku Riyuu
Cheese! / Takara Akegami / 朱神 宝
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Dokidoki! Precure dj - Despite how she may seem. Rikka gets lewd at night
Yuri!!! on Ice dj - Barcelona no Yoru ni Makasete
ユーリ!!! on ICE dj - バルセロナの夜にまかせて / Yuri!!! on Ice dj - That Night in Barcelona
koritz (hasuyamada ren)
Doujinshi,Shounen ai
Touhou Project dj - Touhousei Shirogoudou - Yozora Kagaya Hoshi ni Namusan!!
東方Project dj - 東方星白合同「夜空に輝く星に南無三!!」 / Touhou Project dj - Worshipping the Brightest Star in the Night Sky!
atkinson (atoki) / bokugeki absolute (reio) / do or die? (haduki kasane) / manju monju (kasai yousui) / sekai no tara inaba
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai
Kimi ga Otona ni Naru Mae ni
君が大人になる前に / Before You Become an Adult, Ii Otoko ni wa Himitsu ga Aru, The Secret to a Good Guy, Sekai de Ichiban Nagaiyo no Tabi, Journey of the Longest Night in the World
Asuka Ciel / Waka Sagami / サガミ ワカ
Haikyu!! dj - Halloween Nightmare
ハイキュー!! dj - ハロウィン*ナイトメア / Haikyu!! dj - Halloween*Nightmare
omega 2-d (hibino yuuki) / omega 2-d (shima seiryuu)
Doujinshi,Fantasy,Shounen ai
One Thousand and One Nights with You.
あなたと千夜一夜 / Anata to Senya Ichiya / Honey Moon, Mitsu no Tsuki, 1001 Nights with You
Yuki Yoshihara / 吉原 由起
A sleeping man and a loving man
眠り男と恋男 / Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko / Yasashii Dinner, Sweet dinner, Yoru wo Nigeru, Run from the night, Escape from the night, Taiyou to Himitsu, Sun and secrets, Matsu Hana, A waiting flower
Be x Boy GOLD / Ranmaru Zaria / 座裏屋 蘭丸 / ZARIA
Tsukiyogarasu to Seinaru Yoru: Shikkoku no Kiseki
月夜烏と聖なる夜 ―漆黒の奇跡― / The Moonlit-Night Crow and the Holy Night: The Jet-Black Miracle
Betsucomi / Chiyori / ちより
The Pure☆Knight's Shining Journey: The Road Home
純潔☆騎士のグランツライゼ~帰り道~ / Junketsu☆Knight no Glanz Reise: Kaerimichi / Junketsu☆Kishi no Glanz Reise: Kaerimichi, Verna Bo no Hatsukoi Amnesia, Verna Bo's First Love Amnesia
Seika / せいか / .Bloom
Beyond Twilight
百鬼夜行抄 / Hyakki Yakoushou / Selected Pandemonium, Hyakki Yakou Shou, Tales of a Hundred Ghosts Traveling by the Night, Hyakkiyakou Shou
Ichiko Ima / 今 市子 / Nemuki+
Tsumibito no Kiss
Delicious Family Affair, The Welcoming Fire, The Sea Roar, The Dragon Knight & The Prince, Sinner's Kiss, Angel's Kiss
Shin Mizukami / 水上 シン
Shall We Have Dinner Tonight?
저녁 같이 드실래요? / Shall we Have Dinner Tonight? / How About Having Dinner Together?
Daum Webtoon / See-In Park / 박 시인
412🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Cooking
Kiss Sunset rooftop
茜色のキスは屋上で / Akaneiro no Kiss wa Okujou de / Natsu no Doukasen, Samuzora ni Netsu Shisen, Kimi Shudou no Koi, Drunken Night, Ecchan to Mai-chan no Koi Moyou, Akaneiro no Kioku
Moto Momono / 百乃 モト
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Shoujo ai
Yomawari Sensei
夜回り先生 / Nightwatch Teacher
Ikki / Osamu Mizutani / 水谷 修 / Seiki Tsuchida / 土田 世紀
The Holy Knight's Dark Road
聖なる騎士の暗黒道 / Seinaru Kishi no Ankokudou
Yuusaku Sakaishi / 坂石 遊作 / サケ / Sake / Heiro / へいろー / Heiro's Cave
Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru tame Tenseisu
Eiyu-Oh, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tensei Su, Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi / Eiyuu-ou, bu o Kiwameru tame tensei su - Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi ♀~ / Eiyuu-ou, Bu wo Kiwameru tame Tenseisu ~Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀~ / The King of Heroes Reincarnates to Polish His Skill to the Limit and Becomes the Strongest Knight in Training in the World ♀ / Король героев реинкарнирует, чтобы усовершенствовать свое мастерство до предела и становится сильнейшим рыцарем на тренировках в мире ♀ / 英雄王、武を極めるため転生す / 英雄王、武を極めるため転生す ~そして、世界最強の見習い騎士♀~
Kuromura Moto, Hayaken / Kuromura Moto
Trigun - Multiple Bullets
Cutting is Fighting / Denizens of the Sand Planet / Eisei Mil Mer TV / Gekijouban Trigun Badlands Rumble: Bangaihen / Les Enfants / Mil/Mer TV / Raijin: Risin / Suna no Wakusei no Tami / Trigun Badlands Rumble: Bangaihen / Trigun: Multiple Bullets / Trigun: Rising / Trigun: The Lost Plant / トライガン・マルチプルバレッツ
Nightow Yasuhiro, Boichi, Ark Performance, Mizukami Satoshi, Takeyama Yuusuke, Takauchi Yuuga, Sagami Akira
A Fairytale For The Demon Lord Season 2
마왕을 위한 동화 / A Fairytale for the Demon Lord Side Story / Picture Book for the Demon Lord / The Demon Lord and the Knight
kim yong-hwan
Princess Knight
リボンの騎士 / Ribbon no Kishi / Princesse Saphir, Ribbon Knight
Osamu Tezuka / 手塚 治虫 / Shoujo Club
1🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Magic,Romance,Gender Bender
Tsuki wa Yamiyo ni Kakuru ga Gotoku
月は闇夜に隠るが如く / As Though the Moon is Hidden by the Dark Night, Holland Castilla Japanese Ka
Shungiku Nakamura / 中村 春菊 / Syungiku Nakamura / Gust
🇯🇵Historical,Romance,Shounen ai
After a "Good Night"
おやすみなさいの後は / Oyasuminasai no Ato wa / Konya, Baby Keikaku
Omegaverse Project / Sakadachi Kabano / 河馬乃 さかだち
Nightmare Maker
NIGHTMARE MAKER / Sekai wa Subete Kimi no Mono, Balance
Cuvie / Shoot Outs / キュービー / Young Champion Retsu
Kimi no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru
Cast a Spell / Friday Night Cinema / Jewel of You / Secret Closet / The World Exists for You / The World is Only For You / きみのために世界はある
Usui Shio
1🇯🇵Oneshot,Drama,School Life,Shoujo ai
Skeleton Knight in Another World
Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekake-chuu / Skeleton Knight, going out to the parallel universe / Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu / Skeleton Knight going out to the parallel universe / 骸骨騎士様、只今異世界へお出掛け中 / Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai e o Dekake-chuu
hakari enki / akira sawano
Anata to Senya Ichiya
One Thousand and One Nights with You. / Honey Moon / Mitsu no Tsuki / 1001 Nights with You / あなたと千夜一夜
yuki yoshihara
Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas
聖闘士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS / 聖闘士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS / 聖闘士星矢 THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神話 / Saint Seiya - Lost Canvas - Meiō Shinwa / Saint Seiya - Lost Canvas - The Myth of Hades / The Knights of The Zodiac - Lost Canvas - Myth of the Lord of the Underworld / Saint Seiya - El lienzo perdido - El mito del amo del inframundo
kurumada masami / teshirogi shiori
1Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Supernatural,Historical
The King of Heroes Reincarnates to Polish His Skill to the Limit and Becomes the Strongest Knight in Training in the World ♀-
Eiyu-Oh, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tensei Su, Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kisi / Eiyuu-ou, bu o Kiwameru tame tensei su - Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi ♀~ / 英雄王、武を極めるため転生す ~そして、世界最強の見習い騎士♀~
hayaken / moto kuromura
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Adventure,Fantasy,Drama,Gender Bender
Magic Knight Rayearth II
魔法騎士レイアース2 / Magic Knight Rayearth 2 / Mahou Kishi Rayearth 2
CLAMP / Satsuki Igarashi / Nanase Ohkawa / Ageha Ohkawa / Tsubaki Nekoi / Mokona. / Nakayoshi
Kekkai Sensen
血界戦線 / The Battlefront of the Blood Realm, Kekkai Sensou
Jump SQ. / Yasuhiro Nightow / 内藤 泰弘
千恋*万花 / A Thousand Loves and a Myriad of Flowers
Comic Alive / Yuzusoft / ゆずソフト / Erika Kiduki / 季月 えりか / リュナイティア / Ryuknighthia
Akumu no Sumu Ie - Ghost Hunt
The House of Nightmares - Ghost Hunt
ono fuyumi / inada shiho