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Ai ni Chimayoe!
愛に血迷え / Love between you and me!, Travolgente Amore, Hikizuri Taoshite Koi wo Suru, Kore wa Ai nano?
Fig / Tei Hidou / 日塔 てい
Omae ga Baka wo Iidasu Hi ni wa
お前がバカを言いだす日には / Souiya Ore mo Baka datta, Love wa Doko e Itta, Inu ni Ezuke wo Suru Toki wa
B's-LOVEY recottia / Tei Hidou / 日塔 てい
The Boy Can't Help It
あのこはソレを我慢できない / Ano Ko wa Sore wo Gaman Dekinai / Ai de Fukureru Kimi no Hara
Daria / Tei Hidou / 日塔 てい
Please, Marry Me!!
please, marry me!! / Marry Me!!, Stand By Me!!, Oka-san to Issho, Togetoge Hana to Inu, Hebi no Yabou to Nemuri Neko
Be x Boy GOLD / Tei Hidou / 日塔 てい
Kuroko no Basket - Oribon Sairoku! (Doujinshi)
Kuroko no Basket - Oribon Sairoku! (Doujinshi) / 黒子のバスケ - Oribon Sairoku! (Doujinshi)
Hidou Tei / nmhm (Circle)